
Bases de datos:  Libros; Tesis y Trabajos finales; Revistas; Artículos Bases de datos institutos:   Derechos Humanos; Integración Latinoamericana; Cultura Jurídica
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  Título:  The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy : A Reader
Colaboradores:  ed. by George T. Crane ; Abla Amawi
Publicación:  New York [US] : Oxford University, 1991.
Descripción física:  ix, 302 p.
ISBN:  0-19-506012-1

Report on Manufactures / Alexander Hamilton
Political and Cosmopolitical Economy / Friedrich List
Of the Principle of the Commercial or Mercantile System / Adam Smith
Of Restraints Upon the Importation from Foreign Countries of Such Goods as Can Be Produced at Home / Adam Smith
On Foreign Trade / David Ricardo
Manifesto of the Communist Party / Karl Marx ; Fredrick Engels
The German Ideology : The Rise of Manufactures / Karl Marx
On Imperialism in India / Karl Marx
The Export of Capital / V. I. Lenin
Imperialism as a Special Stage of Capitalism / V. I. Lenin
National Economic Policy in an Interdependent World Economy / Richard Cooper
Interdependence in World Politics / Robert O. Keohane ; Joseph S. Nye
Realism and Complex Interdependence / Robert O. Keohane ; Joseph S. Nye
The Structure of Dependence / Theotonio dos Santos
Interstate System and Capitalist Word-Economy : One Logic or Two? / Christopher Chase-Dunn
The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations / Robert Gilpin
Domestic and International Forces and Strategies of Foreign Economic Policy / Peter J. Katzenstein
An Economic Theory of Alliances / Mancur Olson [Jr] ; Richard Zeckhauser
The Public Choice View of International Political Economy / Bruno S. Frey
The Three Instances of Hegemony in the History of the Capitalist World-Economy / Immanuel Wallerstein
The Theory of Hegemonic Stability and Changes in International Economic Regimes, 1967-1977 / Robert O. Keohane
International Regimes : Lessons from Inductive Analysis / Donald J. Puchala ; Raymond F. Hopkins
Transforming International Regimes : What the Third World Wants and Why / Stephen D. Krasner

Economía política
Política económica
Política internacional
Teorías económicas

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